Vintage Tube Warranty Information

At Fuzz Audio, all vintage/NOS vacuum tubes purchased through our website are guaranteed for one year from purchase date. We accept returns for tubes going noisy, losing output/performance prematurely, and of course losing function all together.  (Read about power tubes below). 

We will not cover damage from red plating neglect, glass breakage of any kind, loose bases, or other obvious faults that are due to neglect, rough handling or egregious constant use. 

This policy is meant to protect the buyer from having a tube go out on them prematurely from a flaw we missed. Tubes, especially preamp tubes, should last half a lifetime, and well beyond a year, so we want to guarantee each customer that you get a tube that will last.

For power tubes, although we will honor any faults mentioned above, we will not accept a return for a power tube that has obviously been used for 6+ hours a day for every day of the year for one year. Power tubes that have clearly been used beyond their normal wear point will not be accepted. 

If you suspect one of your vintage Fuzz Audio tubes has gone bad within one year of purchasing, simply reach out via our chat or at and we will assist you in the warranty exchange process. No receipt is needed.

Please note, it is possible we will be out of stock of the tube that is in need of a swap. If this is the case, we will either offer a refund, credit, different tube, or send the first available tube of that type when it comes back in stock. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out!